Saturday, December 31, 2011

Controlling "The Beast" in the New Year

Control is relative, isn't it? I mean, all things considered, when you take all things into account, our past histories, our current situations and capabilities, and roll everything together, what we can and can not handle is relative to each person and instance, right?  Then again, maybe control is just an illusion...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long Time no Blog... and yet still in the migraine cycle.

It has been over a year since I have written an entry on this blog. I do have a couple of other outlets for my writing, which has kept me quite busy, and this last year has been filled with a myriad of strange surprises that have been difficult enough to keep up with. Amidst all of the craziness, my migraines have been my constant companion, though most of the year I have kept them relatively at bay - only a few a month, not too terribly severe, usually controllable with Imitrex - injections or oral tablets - in addition to my daily preventative (Topamax), of course.

Those who do not suffer from migraine or headaches usually look at me strangely when I tell them that "a few migraines a month is a good thing", but when chronic daily headaches is the alternative, I'll take those few and be "happy" about it.